BA310E Binocular (without 100X)

Objectives & Nosepiece
Motic’s BA310E features EC Plan Achromatic objectives in a CCIS© Infinity setup. The reversed orientation of the 5-fold nosepiece gives space for a quick change of slides.

The large Field of View provides a fast sample overview, while the diopter adjustment allows a perfect adaption to individual eyesight requirements.

The X/Y drive of the rackless stage can be adjusted to individual needs for long-term scanning with a 2-slide holder.

The high-quality condenser with NA 0.9/1.25 enables the individual visualization of weakly or non-stained samples.

Contrast methods
All basic Contrast methods can easily be added. The microscope is prepared for Phase contrast with turret condenser, Polarization contrast and Darkfield.

The BA310E microscope features a 30W Halogen illumination system in a Full-Koehler setup. The Halogen light source can easily be replaced by eco-friendly LED modules.

An Epi-LED module can be implemented for a safe introduction of the Fluorescence method into the daily curriculum.

Objectives & Nosepiece
Motic’s BA310E features EC Plan Achromatic objectives in a CCIS© Infinity setup. The reversed orientation of the 5-fold nosepiece gives space for a quick change of slides.

The large Field of View provides a fast sample overview, while the diopter adjustment allows a perfect adaption to individual eyesight requirements.

The X/Y drive of the rackless stage can be adjusted to individual needs for long-term scanning with a 2-slide holder.

The high-quality condenser with NA 0.9/1.25 enables the individual visualization of weakly or non-stained samples.

Contrast methods
All basic Contrast methods can easily be added. The microscope is prepared for Phase contrast with turret condenser, Polarization contrast and Darkfield.

The BA310E microscope features a 30W Halogen illumination system in a Full-Koehler setup. The Halogen light source can easily be replaced by eco-friendly LED modules.

An Epi-LED module can be implemented for a safe introduction of the Fluorescence method into the daily curriculum.