BA210E Binocular (without 100X)

Objectives & Nosepiece
Motic’s BA210E features EC Plan Achromatic objectives in a CCIS© Infinity setup. The reversed orientation of the nosepiece gives space for a trouble-free change of slides, while the slide holder allows a safe and durable evaluation of diverse samples.

The large Field of View provides a fast sample overview, while the diopter adjustment allows a perfect adaption to the individual eye-sight of all potential users.

The rackless stage without prominent gear rack enables a safe x/y scanning especially for unexperienced users. BA210E’s hard-coated stage is designed for a long-term usage in daily work.

The BA210E microscope features a 30W Halogen illumination system in a Fixed Koehler setup. The Halogen light source can easily be replaced by eco-friendly LED modules.

The high-quality condenser with NA 1.25 enables the individual visualization of weakly or non-stained samples.

Contrast methods
All basic Contrast methods can easily be added to the package of the BA210E. The microscope is prepared for Phase contrast, Polarization contrast and Darkfield.

LED Fluorescence
Implement early the fluorescence method into the daily curriculum by our user-friendly Epi-LED S modules.

Objectives & Nosepiece
Motic’s BA210E features EC Plan Achromatic objectives in a CCIS© Infinity setup. The reversed orientation of the nosepiece gives space for a trouble-free change of slides, while the slide holder allows a safe and durable evaluation of diverse samples.

The large Field of View provides a fast sample overview, while the diopter adjustment allows a perfect adaption to the individual eye-sight of all potential users.

The rackless stage without prominent gear rack enables a safe x/y scanning especially for unexperienced users. BA210E’s hard-coated stage is designed for a long-term usage in daily work.

The BA210E microscope features a 30W Halogen illumination system in a Fixed Koehler setup. The Halogen light source can easily be replaced by eco-friendly LED modules.

The high-quality condenser with NA 1.25 enables the individual visualization of weakly or non-stained samples.

Contrast methods
All basic Contrast methods can easily be added to the package of the BA210E. The microscope is prepared for Phase contrast, Polarization contrast and Darkfield.

LED Fluorescence
Implement early the fluorescence method into the daily curriculum by our user-friendly Epi-LED S modules.